Local support

This section provides an overview of the West Midlands region and the local support on offer. This section will continue to be updated, so please check back later for further information.

The West Midlands Region is in the centre of the UK and is home to around 3 million people. It is also the location of the West Midlands County or Combined Authority which encompasses the metropolitan local authorities in the middle of the region.

The region is very geographically diverse, with highly rural and urban areas. The largest city in the West Midlands is Birmingham, which is home to over 1 million people.

Birmingham City Council 
 Birmingham City Council Homepage 
The Pure ProjectThe Pure Project at BCC – https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20018/adult_social_care/1967/the_pure_placing_vulnerable_urban_residents_into_employment_project/4 
Birmingham and Solihull Youth Promise PlusBirmingham and Solihull youth promise plus: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/youthpromiseplus 
Birmingham Asylum Refugee & Migrant SupportHome – Welcome to Birmingham Asylum Refugees & Migrants Support (BARMS) 
Schools and Education 
 For general information about the education system, types of school and subjects that you can study: https://www.gov.uk/types-of-school 
 Arrivals from Hong Kong on the British National (Overseas) visa: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20119/school_admissions/2363/arrivals_from_hong_kong_on_the_british_national_overseas_visa 
How to apply for a school place in Birmingham  
The school’s admissions team at BCC can help you with advice about school places:Email: admissions@birmingham.gov.ukTelephone: 0121 303 1888
 Education for children of refugees and asylum seekers | Children of refugees and asylum seekers | Birmingham City Council 
 School admissions | Birmingham City Council 
 In -Year school admissions  
 Fair Access Protocol  
Parents guide on how to make online school applicationhttps://www.birmingham.gov.uk/downloads/file/17128/parents_guide_to_how_to_complete_an_online_application 
 Get Information about Schools – GOV.UK (get-information-schools.service.gov.uk) 
Organisations providing information and support about children and schools 
Child Law AdviceChild Law advice – school’s admissions: https://childlawadvice.org.uk/information-pages/school-admissions/ 
NALDICNational Association for Language Development in the Curriculum (NALDIC) : https://naldic.org.uk/about-naldic/organisation/ 
CORAMCORAM Children’s Legal Centre: https://www.coram.org.uk/what-we-do/education 
NSPCCNSPCC: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/support-for-parents/ 
Refugee EducationRefugee Education UK: https://www.reuk.org/ 
The Children’s SocietyThe Children’s Society : https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/information/young-people/young-carers/education-advice 
Further education – colleges 
BAESBirmingham Adult Education Services: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/homepage/294/birmingham_adult_education_service 
South and City CollegeSouth and City College: https://www.sccb.ac.uk/ 
Fircroft CollegeFircroft College: https://www.fircroft.ac.uk/ 
Joseph Chamberlain CollegeJoseph Chamberlain College: https://www.jcc.ac.uk/about-jcc/ 
Birmingham Metropolitan CollegeBirmingham Metropolitan College: https://www.bmet.ac.uk/ 
ESOL Provision 
BAESBirmingham Adult Education Services:  https://www.learnbaes.ac.uk/subjects/esol-1 
BEEASBirmingham Ethnic Education & Advisory Services: https://www.beeas.org/ 
South and City CollegeSouth and City College: https://www.sccb.ac.uk/component/finder/search?q=esol 
Fircroft CollegeFircroft College: https://www.fircroft.ac.uk/pages/search.aspx?q=ESOL&m=pages 
Joseph Chamberlain CollegeJoseph Chamberlain College: https://www.jcc.ac.uk/courses/16-18/esol/ 
Birmingham Metropolitan CollegeMetropolitan College: https://www.bmet.ac.uk/courses/?term=ESOL 
BrasshouseBrasshouse: http://www.brasshouse.ac.uk/ 
CCC-BChinese Community Centre: https://chinesebirmingham.org.uk/esol 
Muath TrustMuath Trust: http://www.muathtrust.org/EnglishLanguage.aspx 
Birmingham Adult Education Services 
Library of BirminghamLibrary of Birmingham: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/50161/courses_training_and_learning/1517/improve_your_english_with_our_esol_collection 
ESOL online Resources 
Birmingham ESOL HubHome page – Birmingham ESOL Hub 
West Midlands ESOL HubWest Midlands Strategic Migration partnership (WMSMP) : https://www.wmsmp.org.uk/esol-resources/ 
Informal or Community ESOL providers 
Refugee and Migrant CentreESOL at RMC – Refugee and Migrant Centre (rmcentre.org.uk) 
Birmingham SettlementBirmingham Settlement: https://www.birminghamsettlement.org.uk/community-action/ 
St Chad’s SanctuarySt Chad’s Sanctuary: https://www.stchadssanctuary.com/ 
RESTORERESTORE: https://www.restore-uk.org/what-we-do/befriending/ 
MothershipMothership: http://mothershipprojects.org.uk/ 
Stories of hope and HomeStories of hope and Home: https://storiesofhopeandhome.blogspot.com/ 
Diamonds Community Learning Project CICDiamonds Community Learning Project CIC: https://diamondsclp.org.uk/ 
The GAP Arts ProjectThe GAP Arts Project – Balsall heath: https://www.thegapartsproject.co.uk/ 
The POD – NechellsThe POD – Nechells: https://www.nechellspod.com/ 
The Landywood ProjectThe Ladywood Project- Ladywood: https://www.ladywoodcommunityproject.org.uk/ 
Places of WelcomePlaces of Welcome are run by local community groups who want everyone in their neighbourhood to have a place to go for a friendly face, a cup of tea and a conversation when they need it: https://www.placesofwelcome.org.uk/locations 
Higher education – University 
University of BirminghamUniversity of Birmingham: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/index.aspx 
Birmingham City UniversityBirmingham City university: https://www.bcu.ac.uk/ 
Aston UniversityAston University: https://www.aston.ac.uk/ 
Newman UniversityNewman University: https://www.newman.ac.uk/ 
Organisation providing information and support about FE & HE 
UCASUniversities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS): https://www.ucas.com/ 
Universities of Sanctuary NetworkUniversities of Sanctuary Network: https://universities.cityofsanctuary.org/ 
CORAMCoram Children’s Legal centre: https://www.childrenslegalcentre.com/resources/higher-education-refugees-migrants/ 
Student FinanceStudent Finance: https://www.gov.uk/student-finance/who-qualifies?step-by-step-nav=18045f76-ac04-41b7-b147-5687d8fbb64a 
Other useful information  
Employability support 
CRÈME – Pathways to Enterprising Futures Projecthttps://www.aston.ac.uk/research/bss/abs/centres-hubs/creme/projects# 
Employment Access TeamEmployment Access Team: support for employers and jobseekers – https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20198/employment_access_team/451/employment_access_team_support_for_employers_and_jobseekers 
RMCHome – Refugee and Migrant Centre (rmcentre.org.uk) 
Immigration Support 
Birmingham Asylum Refugee & Migrant SupportHome – Welcome to Birmingham Asylum Refugees & Migrants Support (BARMS) 
Lifeline Optionshttps://www.lifelineoptions.org.uk/ 
Baobab projectwww.baobabwomensproject.net 


The Job Shop – Help with finding a job and linking up with employers  

Contact:  02476 785740
Coventry City Council
Coventry City Council https://www.coventry.gov.ukCustomer Service centre (08.30 to 17.00 on Monday to Friday (excluding all bank and public holidays)0808 5834 333  
 Councillor Surgeries (Coventry residents talk face to face with councillor)02476 834 333 (Mobile friendly)
 Emergency Services (Children suffering serious harm or thought to be at risk or families at risk of breakdown)02476 832 222 (Out of Hour)
Domestic Abusewww.safetotalk.org.uk0800 111 4998
Monday to Friday 8.30-5pm and Saturday and Sunday 10-1pm
24 hour helpline0800 055 6519
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Counselling /Mental Well/BeingRelate (relationship counselling)02476 225 863
 Cruse (Bereavement counselling)02476 670 714
 Light House (Counselling)02476 440 095
 IAPT (NHS psychotherapy service)02476 671 090
 Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS)0300 200 2021
 Coventry Mind (mental health support)02476 552 847
   Samaritans (24hour emotional support) call from any phone  116 123  
Children’s Commissioners CCC Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhpduM3svftDppw0qaIg59-gVVCX_k8W4 
 HOPELineUK (young people at risk of suicide)0800 068 4141
Mental Health Employment SupportRethink024 7667 3913
NHS Mental Health Services EnquiriesSingle Point of Entry (NHS Mental health services enquiries)0300 200 0011
Learning DifficultiesGrapevine02476 631040
 Life Path02476 650530

Housing Homeless

Housing / HomelessHome Finder (and Homeless team)02476 834 024
 Emmaus (homeless accommodation)02476 661466
 Shelter (Housing advice)0808 800 4444
 St Basils (vis City Council) (Young people- Housing and Employment support)02476 889571
 Cyrenians  (accommodation) FREEPHONE-0800 0180 579-no charge for mobile or landline0800 0180 579
02476 228 099
 YMCA (accommodation)02476 597009
 Salvation Army accommodation)02476 552 183  
 Jesus Centre (advice and support)02476 550 033
 Crisis Skylight (Advice and support)02477 087400
 Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre (refugees and migrants)02476 227 254  
 3 P (Advice and support)08081962660 cov@3pcharity.org

Drug /Alcohol Abuse

Drug / AlcoholChange Growth Live (CGL)  – https://www.changegrowlive.org/drug-alcohol-service-coventry/info02476 010241

Tax Credits/Benefit Advice

Tax Credits/ Benefit AdviceTax Credits Helpline0345 300 3900
 Coventry Benefit Adviceline02476 83 2300
 Citizens Advice (Formerly Citizen Advice Bureau)0800 144 8848 (free number)
 Coventry Independent Advice Service (Benefit advice- Oakwood House, Cheylesmore CV1 2HL)02476 521 100
Legal AdviceCoventry Law Centre (St Patricks Road,  Oakwood House, Cheylesmore CV1 2HL)02476 223 053

Immigration Advice

 ACAS (Employment legal advice)0300 123 1100
Immigration advice Refugee and Migrant Centre02476 227 254
 Coventry Law Centre (St Patricks Road,  Oakwood House, Cheylesmore CV1 2HL)02476 223 053

Business Support

Business Support Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce (Cheetah Rd, Coventry CV1 2TL)02476 231 122

Emergency Services

Police / NHSWest Midlands Police (Non-emergency)101
 NHS non-emergency number111

Children and Adult Services

Health And Social Care https://www.coventry.gov.uk/health-social-care 024 7683 3003

Preventing Neglect And Abuse  https://www.coventry.gov.uk/safeguarding-adults-1/prevention-abuse-neglect

Right Help Right time https://coventrychildcare.proceduresonline.com/files/rhrt_guidance.pdf 024 7697 5477

Safeguarding adults https://www.coventry.gov.uk/safeguarding-adults-1

Adult social care referral https://www.coventry.gov.uk/care-support/adult-social-care-referrals

Carers Services

Carers Trust Heart of EnglandProvides information, advice, support for carers and people they support02476101040
 6 Queen Victoria Coventry. CV1 3JH 
Carers Supporthttps://www.coventry.gov.uk/carers-support/carers-assessments-adults024 7683 3003

Food and Clothing Support

Bare necessitieshttps://bare-necessities.org.uk
 Providing everyday non-food essential items such as personal hygiene items, sanitary products, baby products and cleaning products. barenecessitiescoventry2020@gmail.com  
Social supermarketshttps://letstalk.coventry.gov.uk/social-supermarkets
Food bankshttps://coventry.foodbank.org.uk/locations
School Uniform Supporthttps://www.coventry.gov.uk/cost-living-wellbeing-support/school-uniform-support
Clothing referralhttps://clothingcoventry.org/referrals
Food supermarkets and food hubs supporthttps://www.coventry.gov.uk/cost-living-wellbeing-support/social-supermarkets-food-hubs-foodbanks-map
Langar Aidhttps://www.coventry.gov.uk/directory-record/57871/langar-aid
Feeding Coventryhttps://letstalk.coventry.gov.uk/feeding-coventry

Housing and Energy

Act on Energyhttps://actonenergy.org.uk/author/rosiehermitage/0800 988 2881
 help with cutting down energy bills, recommend energy serving ways, might offer grants for insulation 

Libraries and  Community Centres

Coventry Central Library & community libraries  Smithford Way CV1 1FY Free Computers use and WIFI, ESol classes and Books, children’s activities, Hobby clubs e.g. chess, bookable meeting roomshttps://www.coventry.gov.uk/libraries-1  02476832341
Wilfred SpencerWhitaker Road CV 5 9JE. Day care for adults with learning difficulties024 7697 8180
Whitley Community Centre15 The Avenue CV3 4BP Different Social activities eg yoga, room Hire 
Cheylesmore Community CentrePoitiers Road, CV3 5JX Adult Ed. AA, Food hub, women association, policy surgery02476502226
Stoke Heath Community centre14 Burroughs CL CV2 3QH Computers, English & Maths classes, Asian ladies club, older person club, Sri Lankan community, youth club, faith groups02476449580
Foleshill Community Centre757 Foleshill Rd CV6 5HS HAF summer programme for kids, health and wellbeing, food bank02476682749
Wood End Community CentreHillmorton Road, CV2 1F Breakfast, mums and babies groups, Pensioner luncheon Group0247614379

Sandwell Council

Sandwell Council Homepage

Shropshire Council Shropshire Council
Refugee supportRefugee Charity Shropshire | Shropshire Supports Refugees | England
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) | Shropshire Council
 English for Speakers of other Languages – North Shropshire College (nsc.ac.uk)
Agencies in Shropshire with contact information:

Office/Commercial Admin, Customer Service, Sales, Marketing, Management, HR, PA, Management, Purchasing, Sales, Accounts/Finance, IT.

• Absolute Personnel (https://www.absolutepersonnel.co.uk/)

Shrewsbury Business Park, Ashwood House, The Professional Quarter, Shrewsbury SY2 6LG 01743 461239

• Travail (https://www.travail.co.uk/shrewsbury-jobs-branch)

Ground Floor, 7 St John’s Hill, Shrewsbury SY1 1JD 01743 235532 lisa.shore@clockworkorg.com

• Team 4 U (https://www.team4you.today/)

Haughmond View, Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury SY2 6LG 01743 627404

• Prince personnel (https://prince4jobs.co.uk/)

Suite 2.07, Grosvenor House, Hollinswood Rd, Telford TF2 9TW 01952 299844 info@prince-personnel.co.uk

• Hays (https://www.hays.co.uk/)

Ground Floor, Padmore House, Hall Court, Hall Park Way, TF3 4LX 01952 293 622

• DM Recruitment (https://www.dm-recruitment.com/)

Unit 8, Brookland House, battlefield enterprise park, Yeomanry Rd, Shrewsbury SY1 3EH 01743 296320

• Proactive Personnel (https://www.proactivepersonnel.net/)

15 Pride Hill, Shrewsbury SY1 1DQ 01743 360360 shrewsbury@proactivepersonnel.net

• Blue Orchid Recruitment Ltd (www.blueorchidrecruitment.co.uk)

01743 612013 mail@blueorchidrecruitment.co.uk

• Pertemps (https://www.pertemps.co.uk/)

Hazledine House, Telford, TF3 4JL 01952 291250


• C2 Recruitment (www.c2recruitment.com)

Mercury House, Sitka Dr, Shrewsbury SY2 6LG 01743 770280 enquiries@c2recruitment.com

• Absolute Personnel (https://www.absolutepersonnel.co.uk/)

Shrewsbury Business Park, Ashwood House, The Professional Quarter, Shrewsbury SY2 6LG 01743 461239


• Tara Professional Recruitment (https://taraprofessionalrecruitment.co.uk/)

Claremont Bank, Shrewsbury SY1 1RW 01952 433833 admin@taraprofessionalrecruitment.co.uk

Nurse/Care/Support Work

• Prestige Nursing (www.prestige-nursing.co.uk)

26 Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury SY3 7DB 01743 403772 shrewsbury@prestige-nursing.co.uk

• Nurseplus (www.nurseplusuk.com)

Rural Enterprise Centre, Enterprise Park, Unit 15 The, Stafford Dr, Shrewsbury SY1 3FE 01743 442787 shrewsbury@nurseplusuk.com

• Proactive Personnel (https://www.proactivepersonnel.net/)

15 Pride Hill, Shrewsbury SY1 1DQ 01743 360360 shrewsbury@proactivepersonnel.net

Solihull Council


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/solihullcouncil

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SolihullCouncil

Hong Kongers Local Community Networking and

Telegram: https://tinyurl.com/Solihull-BNO-Telegram
Telegram channel for up-to-date information in Solihull and contact details

Calendar: https://tinyurl.com/Solihull-BNO-Calendar
(Planned activities/events/workshops in Solihull)

Solihull Advice and Support

  •  Anonymous Surveys


   – Hong Kongers in Solihull Survey

   – BNO Workshops Suggestion and Feedback Survey BNO

   – Support for Children / Young Person Survey

The anonymous surveys are to enable Solihull Council and stakeholders to plan, organise and provide supports for the needs of Hong Kongers in Solihull.

  • Council tax bands and charges



  • School admission (primary, junior, secondary)



  • Solihull SENDIAS


The Solihull SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support) service supports children and young people with SEND and their parents/carers.

  • Children & Young People with Disabilities or Special Educational Needs

Solihull local offer – a website about services and support for children and young people with disabilities or special educational needs https://www.solihull.gov.uk/children-and-family-support/localoffer

  • Emotional support


  • Environment and animals


  • Noise Pollution


  • My Solihull Map


Find places to go, things to do and people to talk or listen to in your neighbourhood in Solihull

  • Safeguarding children and young people


  • Volunteering


Please email bno@rmcentre.org.uk for referral

Volunteering in public spaces relating to environment then the link to sign up to Love Solihull is https://www.solihull.gov.uk/Roads-pavements-and-streetcare/Love-Solihull/Litter-picking

Solihull Churches

  • Solihull Methodist Church
  • Coffee Morning – Monday 10am to 12pm
  • Catholic Church of Saint Augustine of England


  • St James the Great C of E Church


  • Coffee Morning – Tuesday 10am to 11:30am




To register your interest, please email bno@rmcentre.org.uk for referral

Twitter: https://twitter.com/achintegrates

Migrant Business Support programme. Please email bno@rmcentre.org.uk for referral


  • GPs


List of GPs in Solihull

Use your postcode to search NHS dentist in your area


To register your appointment, please email hkbno@springhousing.org.uk


Other Useful Contact

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EnglandGoodNei1

Telegram: https://t.me/enggnc

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HongkongersUK

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HongkongersUK

Telford and Wrekin Council

The Council Homepage (telford.gov.uk)

The Refugee and Migrant Centre

Walsall Branch

The Refugee and Migrant Centre
41-45 Bridge Street

01922 614 221

FaithAction (Part of LifeLine Community Projects)

Join Café Connect in Wolverhampton:

Wolverhampton: All Nations Church

Immigration & Employment

The Refugee and Migrant Centre

Wolverhampton/Head Office

The Refugee and Migrant Centre
1st Floor Roma Parva,
9 Waterloo Road,

01902 311 554