
West Midlands Welcome Hub Fund Launched

Launched on 29 November 2024, grants of up to £15,000 are available for voluntary organisations, local authorities, schools, colleges, and limited companies, but not limited to, to develop ideas that will address the specific needs of West Midlands HK British National (Overseas) residents. For more details click here.

Joint Statement by the Hong Kong Welcome Hubs Regarding Article 23

“The Hong Kong British National Overseas (BN(O)) Welcome Hubs are aware of the impact the news of the recent enactment of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance under Article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong will have had on the BN(O) community across the UK. The Foreign Secretary issued the following statement regarding the …

Joint Statement by the Hong Kong Welcome Hubs Regarding Article 23 Read More »

Amendments to the BN(O) visa making it easier for adult dependent relatives of BN(O) sponsors to come and stay in the UK

Amendments made to the BN(O) visa route through the latest changes to the immigration rules are making it easier for adult dependent relatives of BN(O) sponsors to come and stay in the UK. This means that from the 4th of April they will no longer have to apply at the same time as the main …

Amendments to the BN(O) visa making it easier for adult dependent relatives of BN(O) sponsors to come and stay in the UK Read More »

Government has announced a new Children and Young People’s Resettlement Fund.

The Children and Young People’s Resettlement Fund is a competitive fund that will provide grants to VCSEs and Local Authorities in England for projects that address the specific needs of children and young people on pathways from Ukraine, Hong Kong and Afghanistan. The goal is for funded projects to have a positive impact on the …

Government has announced a new Children and Young People’s Resettlement Fund. Read More »