
From January 2021, Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) status holders can now apply for a new immigration route, enabling them and their dependents to come to the UK to live, work and study, on a pathway to citizenship.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) created 12 “Welcome Hubs” across the UK to support new arrivals, and the West Midlands SMP is one of these hubs. These Hubs have been funded to ensure that newly arrived BN(O) status holders are able to access information to help their integration into the UK. Although in its early stages, the West Midlands SMP has identified topics such as housing, education, health, employment and tackling hate crime as key to integration success. We would actively welcome contact from people arriving from Hong Kong, councils, schools, local voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups, as well as other stakeholders to help us develop our work. Please do get in touch with us via wmsmp@wolverhampton.gov.uk

The website and Welcome Hub are currently under development. We will be adding useful resources over the coming weeks, to provide information for BN(O) visa holders, their dependants and those supporting them.

More information on the Hong Kong BN(O) Integration Programme can be found in the following links:

As this project is still in its preliminary stages, gathering more information about the needs of new arrivals is essential to help inform the design of the support we provide. Consequently, we would welcome contact from schools, councils, local voluntary organisations as well as people arriving from Hong Kong themselves.

Overview of DLUHC’s Welcome Programme

DLUHC Welcome Pack for Hong Kong BN(O) Status Holders

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